Mould Tool Manufacture
Our on-site toolroom contains a range of CNC machining centres, lathes, and spark eroding facilities.
We extensively make use of new and emerging technologies such as fully integrated CAD CAM processes and 3D Rapid Prototyping solutions.
If you don’t yet have a complete design, we can design and model your part for you, based off of any sketch or even idea.

Embracing Latest Technology for Rapid Mould Production
We constantly invest in modern machinery and technology. We can offer both aluminium and steel mould tooling to suit your budget and requirements.
By embracing the latest CAD CAM technology available, we are able to produce full production mould tools in a fraction of the time that mould tools traditionally take to manufacture.
We currently have over a thousand mould tools on site and produce several new mould tools every week.

Tooling FAQs
We support all of the following formats:
IGES .igs
STEP .stp
Solidworks .sldprt
ProE .prt
Parasolid .x_t and .x_b
ACIS .sat
Autocad .dwg, 3D Only
Autodesk Inventor .ipt
Stereolithography .stl
Compressed folders .zip can contain any combination of the above.
If you do not have CAD or 3D modeling capabilities, our design facility can take care of all of that for you; in-house, at no extra cost.